Demos became increasingly popular to try our games before you decided to buy them and due to the rising size of games floppy disks were being dropped in favour to the more spacious CD.
Doom found fame in the 90’s and was the most widely known FPS (first person shooter) and defined the genre for future successors.

The internet was also rising in popularity and to take advantage of this many games incorporated online play such as Quake , Age of Empires and Everquest.

Browser-based games also become more available thanks to web plugins, the games that they mostly offer are the arcade games, card games and puzzle games. Great for when you have nothing better to do in work/school.
The creation of mods (modifications) started in the 90’s which allowed the played to create custom objects such as skins and maps.
However the decline of arcades also happened in the 90’s and thus many closed down as the era of the 80’s was over. The rise of computer and console games out matched that of an arcade.
The Sega Genesis (also known as the Mega Drive) was dominating the market, after the SNES (Nintendo Super NES) debuted in 1991 it lost some of it’s market share to the new console.
Next is the 00’s.
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