I was just thinking about the future of creativity in Britain since more and more games art courses are cropping up throughout Britain to try and keep up to date with technology. I believe that I read something ridiculous something that Britain is about 13 years behind Korea in terms of technology. However, industries that Britain was famous for such as the industrial revolution is slowly fading away. For instance I live in Dudley also know as the Black Country because it was covered in black smog from the working factories however the government is slowly investing money into the area to bring new business and higher-class families into the area. I believe the same can be said about Tesside University getting tons of funding into their game design course since they have lost one of the biggest industries that they had, so the government is placing more money into a new technology.
If I think about where this industry is going then I kind of worry, as Britain doesn’t house that many game developers and it seems that I might have more chance of getting a job elsewhere. However the fact that Britain has any game developers is quite hopeful.
I do think that we were promised at lot of new gadgets to improve life such as the flying car, jetpack and robots where creative technology hasn’t really gone that far that and is still slowly catching up with our creative ideas. However as long as Britain recognizes that it needs to put funding into new technology such as game design then only then are we going to keep up with the rest of the world.
In terms of creativity I do think that we are on a par with the world, I wouldn’t say that our creativity is stifled be where we live however there isn’t as much opportunity to work on huge blockbusters or really expensive projects when mostly things like that happen in America where most big budget studios are formed.
However one thing that I really hate being exported into Britain from America is Political correctness and I do think that is stifling not only creativity but also freedom of speech. I do think that a lot of projects are only given the thumbs up from officials if they tick all the boxes. Such as children’s programs have to have morels and can’t really be just a fun program. If children aren’t learning from it then it isn’t any good. Same can be said for movies, it’s like they have figured out a formula that works and makes money so just keep making the same movies over and over again till all the movies are just a remake of a remake with some new fancy title and just another overpaid actor that funnily enough can’t really act. The same thing with games, I wouldn’t really say that sequels are made to expand the story anymore they are just a tool to keep growing the title and suckering more people to keep buying. Such as the final fantasy series, it’s great that with every new game they make a new storyline and new characters as well as trying to expand on the gameplay however there is also Final Fantasy X-2, a horrid sequel only getting sales because of it’s predecessor Final Fantasy X. Also let us not forget Dirge of Cerberus and how it rode on the white horse of Final Fantasy 7 and Advent Children to gain publicity for this shoddy title.
Anyway the point that I am trying to make is that creativity is slowly being dwindled from the industry from fat cats that only wish to fatten their wallets and therefore will just stick to the same old patented formula and produce meager titles. However there are those ingenious titles that occasionally get through however when they do, everyone seems to realize this and then whore it out.

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