Thursday, 10 January 2008

Front Line Creativity

I thought that for this blog that I would a little bit more about different types of creativity as I feel that I’ve only kept close to the kind of creativity that I’m involved with and wanted to stray from this and do some further exploring on the topic.

Shall I start with the obvious types that stem from the typical sort such as Art, Music and Drama which in most people’s opinion are the most creative, I would agree since creativity can be defined as “something new” which all those subject exhibit. New Art is made everyday which hasn’t been seen before, music gets made which hasn’t been heard before and films get made which haven’t been seen before. So what is my point?

Well creativity is also pinned down as “solving a problem” so does this also reach out to other topics such as Maths, Science and Medicine since they all solve problems albeit that those problems have cropped up time and time again only to be solved using the same creative solution. The question is that is that really even considered creativity since it isn’t something new, since there is already a solution to most problems in these fields. A mathematician is going to know that the answer to 10 + 10 will always equal 20 no matter how many times he repeats the problem, the solution is stable and never changing. Ask an artist to paint a flower everyday the outcome will constantly change as the solution is dependable on variables such as the artists ability, the mood, the atmosphere, the weather and lighting and on time. The point that I am trying to make is that as creativity is defined as being

  • Something New
  • Solving a problem

So if I’m looking at creativity in that light then isn’t only fair to say that anything has an air of creativity since it can be based on different variables and yet at the same time a stable solution to a problem. There are many problems that surround the topic creativity such as are we born creative? Can we be taught to be creative? Are people only creative in one aspect in their lives?

I do believe that people are born creative; everyone is creative however some are more liberal to how and where they apply their creativity in their lives. Life choices may shape how they choose to be creative but I do honestly believe that everyone is creative as is it evident in speech, letters, homes etc. However I do also think that once it goes past a certain point some people rely on so called “creative types” such as artist, writer, actors etc to be creative for them as they don’t believe that they a creative type themselves. I also believe that some people have better skills and are more suited to doing some things then other people are such as some people are more logical and practical minded and would make a much better scientist then say an actor and would probably enjoyed that type of field more. That is where that individual would spend his creativity, just because he isn’t in the typical “creative” field doesn’t mean that he isn’t creative.

The word creativity is derived from the word create so does this mean that people who create something new such as inventors, artists and writers are the only truly creative people? I surly doubt it, as I think that people that create are more “spontaneously” creative and that people that solve a problem with a creative solution are more “logically” creative. I imagine it that if it was a creative war then all the artists, poets, writers, actors, musicians and photographers would be at the front line taking the hits from the enemy as we are all on show displaying how creative we are and then just as we are about to get our asses kicked the cavalry ride in which are made up of Teachers, Scientists, Chefs and Programmers to save us as the enemy didn’t expect them (not sure why I decided to add this but just summarized what I was thinking about at the time.) . That probably made much more sense in my head then out in the open like this.

Anyway I thought I would leave some links on truly amazing creative things.
Proving that it is good to play with your food. Creating chocolate sculptures. Click here
Check Out this Nathan Sawaya's Lego Sculptures : Click here

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